This weekend will be a great one to get out and about ... especially now that the rain has cleared the area :)
From rides, food and fun at the STATE FAIR to seeing a KING OF COMEDY at the CenturyTel, the SBC has a lot to offer this weekend.

Now that the rain is outta here, go take the kids, fam or a date to the STATE FAIR. It's in town until November 8th. Get all the info you'll ever need to know HERE.

The featured event for tonight is the ACTOR's CAFE' in downtown Shreveport... After Bears' reclaimed it's bar, the original event was disbanded ...
But thanks to Just A Little Cafe', located at 420 Marshall St. (on the side of the downtown library), this thespian mixer has now been revived.
So bring your scenes, skits, monologues, whatever ... and hit the stage tonight! Sign-up starts at 6 pm, Performances begin at 7 pm. Admission is FREE.

After you leave the Cafe', go do some classy networking at THE KONNECTION. The business mixer will be held at Copeland's restaurant on Bert Kouns.
There will be free food, drinks specials, valet parking, a DJ providing music and a LIVE performance from one of my favorite groups, MAHOGANY DUST.
Admission for all this??? Just $15!!! (Pre-sale is soldOUT) -- Dress is business casual. Come out and network and make a Konnection! :)
Also TONIGHT ... You can hit the Funny Bone for a comedy show (they're giving away free tix on MySpace, hit em up!) .... or Go see CROWNS for it's final performance .... or if you're in the mood to PARTY ... here ya go:

Club Voodoo is hosting PHAT PHRIDAYS with KMJJ (99.7). This party is to cater to the COLLEGE CROWD .... and the other Young Adults in the SBC.
DJ PHAT will be on the 1s and 2s. LADIES get in FREE. COLLEGE & MILITARY get in FREE til Midnight with ID. $1.50 DRINKS until 12AM.

VIBE FRIDAYS will welcome the HHS CLASS OF '89 REUNION PARTY tonight at the BIJOU LOUNGE ... LADIES get in FREE before 11. 2 FOR 1 drinks before 11. pm
The BIJOU is located in the Red River Entertainment District (the old MacArthur's Steakhouse).
During the DAY ... You can support breast cancer awareness at the THINK PINK celebration at Centenary ... Go to the FALL FESTIVAL in Haughton ... Party with the "stars" at the Observatory .... or enjoy a night of fright at East Bank Theatre's NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD production.

Of course you know STEVE HARVEY will be hitting the stage of the CenturyTel Center Saturday night. Tickets are $34-40. Get them HERE.
KDKS 102.1 (your Steve Harvey station) is also giving away some during the day, so check them out!!
Steve is HILARIOUS ... so if you haven't seen him LIVE, go see him. This will make it official, every KING OF COMEDY has graced an SBC stage (RIP Bernie Mac).
AFTER THE SHOW ... The BIJOU will host the Official After Party with GREY GOOSE Specials all night. Live broadcast by 103.7 Tha Beat from 10 pm to 12 am. Discounted admission with your Ticket Stub.

DOWN THE STREET ... CrowdPleaser is back on the party scene with SHOW OFF SATURDAY at Riverview Hall. College students come out and play this Saturday!!! Doors open at 9 pm. DJ Marle Mar will be on the 1s and 2s.